OnePassport | Comply

Mobile App

air integration

Easy Onboard


Keep your organisation safe, secure and connected
Workforce compliance management is all about visibility – think dashboards, metrics, reports and alerts – and the ability to verify what you are looking at.
OnePassport | Comply is going to revolutionise your world by shifting the time and cost of data upload from you to your workers. Give you the ability to upload multiple records at once, and generate reports in seconds. Reducing your workforce compliance administration by 50%.
All workforce compliance information in one place
Typically, organisations hold all of their workforce compliance information in multiple areas. Such as Recruitment, HR, Learning & Development, Infection Prevention and Control. With each department having its own IT setup, it creates a piecemeal view of the data with no single place where a risk manager can see everything.

Workforce compliance is all about visibility
Older style, text-heavy databases do not meet the grade for workforce compliance management. When combining qualifications, registrations and licenses, background checks, right to work/ visa information, immunisations, skills and experience into one system it is all about visibility.
OnePassport | Comply is powered by dashboards, with multiple metrics to show the big picture and reports to deep dive into all areas. Let alone alerts for any information with an expiry date so that neither the worker nor their manager misses anything.
Effective, robust governance
OnePassport is designed to save time and costs in workforce compliance management but most importantly, to lower risk. Helping organisations to easily maintain workforce compliance and avoid costly mistakes with alerts, notifications and reporting. Providing clear governance steps for verifying data. Identifying gaps and acting quickly to eliminate, reduce and control workforce risks.
FAQ OnePassport | Comply

What does OnePassport offer that other Compliance and Human Resource software systems don’t?
- All your compliance requirements in one place. No need to use multiple systems to find out if an employee, volunteer or contractor has the credentials, qualifications, registrations, immunisations and permits needed.
- Patented technology – this means we are one of a kind.
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- Powerful reporting functionality. Create reports easily with drop down filters within seconds. Love the report you just created? Save it as your favourite for next time.
- A mobile App with encrypted connection to allow your Employees to share new and updated compliance information such as Police Checks and CPD. Share the administrative burden.
- Web browser and App functionality to enable access from multiple devices.
- Dedicated Immunisation Register Module to meet new and existing requirements for Staff Vaccination.
- Multi level permissions to meet privacy and security regulations whilst enabling relevant staff to source important information where it is needed.
- Traffic light ‘at a glance’ dashboards for compliance, training and immunisation data.
- Easy and intuitive interface minimising user training requirements and cost.

Can OnePassport centralise my systems that connect to other organisations and platforms?
- OnePassport’s Patent status was achieved because it has connectivity at its core.
- OnePassport connects individuals to one or more organisations. The system has integrated connectivity designed ensuring connections between systems create seamless workflows for your team.

Can OnePassport scale up and provide a Regional or Statewide system?
OnePassport gives you the outcome of a Regional or Statewide System without the requirement for it to be held centrally. This unique ability to create a decentralised system means that individuals can quickly and easily move between organisations, taking and providing their compliance information with them.

How do I find the time to implement something new when I’m so busy?
- Our aim is to make things easy for you. Let us take on the burden. We will do most of the heavy lifting for you.
- Required information is obtained from the payroll system easily, we then bulk upload to create your OnePassport | Comply system.
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- We can transfer information from most existing systems.
- When all your data is integrated into the OnePassport system running reports will take a fraction of the time it took you previously.

How do I know this is going to really work and actually make a difference to my workload?
- IT Systems do not have a good track record of working but this is what makes OnePassport different. It is designed to work across many industries and has been tested and proven to work.
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- We work with industry experts that understand your frustrations and this is the reason why OnePassport has been so successful. The blockers you face have been removed due to our continuous improvement in developing this software.
- Our team listens. As a subscription based model OnePassport holds the cost of improving and evolving the system to keep our customers happy. This means that you, the customer, don’t foot the bill for changes and upgrades. We constantly seek feedback so we can continually improve the experience for you.